Please answer the questions below and we will contact you with a free estimate:
Your Name (required)
Your Email (required)
Your current Bank: (required)
Type of loan:ResidentialCommercialRuralMixed
What is your borrowing entity?PersonalTrustCompanyPartnershipMixed
What kind of security does your Bank hold that you are aware of (tick all that apply): MortgageGuaranteesGeneral security agreementSpecific security agreement over a particular assetMortgage over shares (rural)
How many loans do you have with your Bank?
What are the approximate balances of your loan(s)?:
Loan 1
Loan 2
Loan 3
Loan 4
Your new Bank:
How much do you wish to borrow from your new Bank?
If you know what security the new Bank requires, please advise: MortgageGuaranteesGeneral security agreementSpecific security agreement over a particular assetMortgage over shares (rural)