Please answer the questions below and we will contact you with a free estimate:
Your Name (required)
Your Email (required)
What sort of Lease do you require?ResidentialCommercialRural
For residential leases please click on this link and follow the instructions from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.
For Commercial or Rural Leases, please answer the following questions (if you don’t know a particular answer, just leave it blank and we will discuss it with you):
Are you the Landlord or the Tenant?LandlordTenant
Are you an Individual, Partnership, Company or a Trust?IndividualPartnershipCompanyTrust
What is(are) the name(s) of the other party?
If the Tenant is a Company, are the directors or shareholders required to provide a guarantee? YesNo
If yes, what are the names of the directors or shareholders that are required to give a guarantee?
What is the address and/or legal description of the property to be leased?
How long will the term of the Lease be?
Will the Lease be able to be renewed for any further terms?YesNo
If yes, how many extra terms?
If there are extra terms, how long will each extra term be?
What is the annual rent?
How often will the rent be paid?
Are you registered for GST?YesNo
Will the Landlord have the opportunity to review the rent at any time during the Lease?YesNo
If yes, how often or when will the rent reviews take place?
Will the rent reviews be CPI, market rent or both?CPIMarket rentBoth
Who will pay the local and regional authority rates for the property?LandlordTenant
Who will pay the annual building insurance premium for the property?LandlordTenant
Are there any other outgoings for the property that you are aware of? – if yes, please specify
If you are the Landlord, please specify the kind and type of building insurances you have for the property (for e.g., Full replacement, indemnity value, loss of rent, fixture and fittings insurance etc.)
Describe the use or business that the Tenant is to us the property for
Are there any Landlord chattels being leased with the Property? – if yes, please specify
Are there any special terms that you want included in the lease? – if yes, please specify
Please advise the type and application rate of any fertiliser requirements
Are there any Fonterra shares being leased also?YesNo
If yes, how many Fonterra shares are being leased?
Is any livestock being leased? – if yes, please provide details
Are there any fit-out arrangements that need to be included in the lease? – if yes, please specify